Going back to basics
Monday, December 07, 2009 | Author: Dav

Unbeknownst to me (I'm pretty sure its a real word) Google / Blogger secretly changed my blog posting tool to a 'new and enhanced' version.

I'm all for new stuff. I'm in IT.

But dear LORD, posting images and trying to get things to square up is pure hell.

I searched about, and voila, found the setting to go back to the much easier (IMO) to use editor. A quick guide on how to go back to basics, below.

  1. Jump into your Dashboard. Don't click, don't browse, just jump.
  2. Go to 'Settings' and then 'Basic'.
  3. Scroll all the way down (or almost) and then locate the area called 'Global Settings'.
  4. Select the 'Old Editor' as your post editor.
  5. Life is good again as we know it!

Note: Apparently the setting is global, so every other blog you have will inherit the same settings. Eh, no big deal to me.

Dav out
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