Katy Perry confuses me. Her original stuff, IMO, was so-kay. Just OK.
Then she comes out with new stuff, and yeah, some of it is catchy, and if you look back in the blog, I did say somewhere that she sounded like Alanis Morissette. Alanis Nadine Morissette. Not everyone agrees, but yeah, that's the internet for you.
All of a sudden, this song (Waking Up In Vegas YouTube link) seems to be all over the air waves, and I'm smitten. I'm into the song. Its uh, on, like Donkey Kong for me.
The music video is pretty funny and related (I love related music videos, random ones annoy me) and the song's lyrics are funny but still not all that bad.
Bit of an odd choice for the lead male though.
So viva Katy Perry, and here's hoping you wake up in Vegas with someone that looks like her, eh?
Dav out
Saya tak suka lagu ini...
For those that don't speak the language:
Saya tak suka lagu ini
I don't like this song.
yo Dav. This is Igamelec/Olle of #fantasy. I'm glad to see your blog still up and running. Hope you're enjoying your car and your drives.
I love Katy Perry intensly :D It's totally fine by me if you just let go of those Alanis ideas and just enjoy this great artist to her fullest. My favourite songs are Mannequin and Lost, with One of the boys and Thinking of you as #2. Waking up in Vegas - #3.
The only main stream music I listen to is Katy Perry and sometiems Leann Rimes
Woah blast from the past man!
Hows it going? Have not been in IRC for ages!
Good to hear from you dude.
Got a blog or something of your own?