Original Blog post: [20/07/09]
I've been having issues with my Achilles heel recently. I don't know if its due to the heavy driving that I've been doing (its my right foot / leg) or if I've hurt it in someway.
Only real exercise I get would be walking but that's about it.
Just in case you're wondering, I'm not talking about this:

Its more along the lines of this:

Looking up some physiotherapy I can do at home to make the pain go away. The pain isn't something major, but its there and it tends to wear me down after a while.
Someone needs to do something about all this squishy gooey human bits and replace it with some simple to service medical grade steel.
Dav out
I received in total one (1) complaint about the original Achilles photo. Replaced the image with an edited one (sorry, way too lazy to find a program to pixelate it and make it look like a professional job)
Link to original uploaded image here.
This post takes the blog to all sorts of new PC heights!
Dav out... again
WTF? Complaint about the Achilles photo? Oh your favourite deity, will the regression of human mind never end?
BTW, I used to have issues with my ankles because I twisted them once or twice a year waaaay back in my days of regular jogging. So yeah, this can be quite annoying.
Well I'm pretty sure its not jogging, since I do next to none of that.
Best guess is that its either the way I'm resting my foot / leg when I drive or when I'm at my desk at work.
The human mind is an interesting thing. Band together with enough people, and even the wrong thing becomes right