Well, over the weekend, I thought it would be a good idea to fire up my copy of Counter Strike 1.6 (CS).
Was I drunk? No, I just thought it would be a good game I'd reminisce about. That is, until I was forced to wait hours while server's dumped ton's of files that I didn't need.
Worst. Wait. Ever!
I don't understand why people create custom mods, mp3's and wad files for their server's. I don't. At all. Really.
Brb, going to go wait for that screen to finish loading.
Dav out
Maybe they create custom stuff just out of boredom? CS can get kind of repetitive I guess. That's what I think anyway. And yeah, of course those of the younger generation want cool effects :S
Gosh, I haven't played CS for ages, I think I need to install it again. Why did you remind me Dav? Why? :D