A little random weirdness here:
A says: i need to make a Gantt chart.
A says: and a spread graph.
G says: OK.
A says: for how much water we can save from pooping at work.
G says: interesting.
A says: yeah.
A says: it should correlate time and estimated water use
A says: i think, and this is just an general estimate: if we poop at home ,we tend to spend more time but less water.
A says: because its comfier.
A says: but, if we poop at work, we spend less time, but more water.
A says: so what i want to do is draw a relation between the time, the water, and the location of pooping.
A says: ok?
G says: ok
A says: yay
I never said I was sane.
dav out
Thanks to this site, I've been able to actually go ahead and get my graph up. Of course, you can clearly see the results:

Click on the image to get a clear / larger image
Who said those 2 semesters taking Statistics at Uni went to waste?
Dav out x 2
Umm.. dude. Are you alright? :)
You know hurk i just clicked your old blog before i saw the comment and i was wondering wth happened.