A good pall of mine (CD) went over the other side and managed to get into PAX04. Now I know, I know, those of you (like me) that didnt manage to get into PAX04 now hate him, but its all good. I'll try to get him to put up more pictures from PAX04.

The tired CD at PAX04
Dav out
this is CD.
yeah, that's me. And PAX'04 was awesome.
Oh how we hate you dude, so.. so much hate. Did you buy me anything? Huh? huh?
Please excuse my ignorance but, what is PAX04? :]
Ah someone doesnt know what PAX04 is. Well my friend, follow this link http://www.penny-arcade.com/pax/ and you will know all.
Woah really? RJ? Sweet. Wonder how much those books go on Ebay now huh?