Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.

Dav out
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
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I was filling up on some petrol at a local petrol station when I noticed a sign above the petrol pump that read something like this :
"Our frequent replenishment cycles ensure you the freshest fuel available at all times"
I've never heard of fresh petrol. Its already almost a million years old in the first place.
Dav out
This Monday SUCKED. I woke up as my phone alarm went off, and I thought to myself 'WHY the heck did I put an alarm at 7am on a SUNDAY?" Ticked off, I curled up back to bed, only to be awakened by the national anthem being played at the primary school near my home.
*@(#)&)@#&) its a monday!
Spoilt my whole Sunday.
Dav out
[Highlight to read]
Jerry made me do this!
Dav out
Well I'm a little worried about going in to work tomorow, being the first day of work and all. Time to check if its a case of SUSFU or not
Dav out
[Edit] Added a map of South East Asia on the right lower mid of the blog. Click on it and a larger map should show up [Edit]
Sunday, January 01, 2006
| Author:

Happy New Year ! 2006 says hello!