Well I left for work early today, because I had some items I needed to copy over to the demo laptop and we had a meeting later today, and I to the office around 8.20am. I find the office shutters down but that’s not a problem I think, since I have the office shutter key.
As soon as I open up the shutter, I realize that I don’t HAVE THE OFFICE KEYCARD. My keycard had died a couple of months ago, and I didn’t get a replacement (since usually the office was open by 8.30am, and I got in around 8.50am)
Shrugging, I was about to head over to the café downstairs for tea, when suddenly the alarm goes off.
AND it continues to ring for the next 30minutes.
Long story short, the entire building hates me (cause of the alarm) and when I finally DO get into the office, the MD comes rushing in looking disheveled, and asks WTF’s going on. Apparently the alarm’s rigged to his cell phone and he’s been getting messages and calls from the security company.
Yeah… fun morning…
Dav out
I'd just like to say Happy Birthday to my pall CD the Cannuck!
He's a young little thing, but you guys can go bother him
Rock on dude!
Dav out
showed me this link, and I've spent quite a while reading it. I find it really funny, and basicly it covers almost every anime/CRPG/scifi-magic book I've read. An example follows:
They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To (Cid Rule)Modern-day machinery, by contrast, will always break down at the worst possible moment (for example, when you only need one more shot from the giant cannon to defeat the final boss.)
Dav out
Well we started the night out slow, we had some food at Chillies, and we were planning to have some drinks at this other place called Unc.Chillies (dont ask me if that was the evening's theme). Next thing I know we're at this super posh bar called the
Zeta Bar at the KL Hilton. All I can say was, dude,
this place was waaaay over my head.

A snapshot of the bar (taken from the webpage, I did'nt have my camera with me!)
Dav out
Well I've finished up my training, and I got a few pictures taken with the presenter Mr. Duffy (from SAP Aust.). I must say, it was an amazing 4 days (partly due to the fact I didnt have to go into work)
Pictures below, so enjoy.
Just in case someone's wondering what SAP Business One is, click
here (opens in new window).

Another shot of me, this time, the sign behind me shows up clearly

A shot of me, in front of the room

Mr. Richard Duffy (SAP Business One Product Lead) and myself
(its not a very good picture I know)
Dav out
Friday, June 17, 2005
| Author:

Another shot of me, this time, the sign behind me shows up clearly
Well I'm pyched! I'm off to a 4 day training program for SAP B1 *see for more info* and I've gotten my stuff in order, and as you can see, even *gasp* a tie.

Stoked! shirt and tie!
So yeah, wish me luck, as I WONT be looking at client email OR receiving their calls!
Dav out!
Now before someone accuses me of being an advert whore, I'd just like to say, the following blog was NOT paid for by Gillette.
Yes, I finnaly upgraded my older razor to a Gillette Mach3. Now I've seen the ads, I've heard of the 'amazing 3 blades that allow you to have a smoother and closer shave' but I just didnt need all the hype and the price for the Mach 3 was a pretty penny anyway.
But I got one last night because I plan to keep my older razor (a Gillette Mach 2 Sensor Excel - dont ask me where they get these names from) in my traveling kit as so I'll never be without a shaver.
Well I'm happy with the shaver, its pertty amazing, almost 0 nicks with a brand new blade. The only gripe I have with it is that the blades are now positioned diffrently, and are flat out instead of the standard shaver/razor blade. Its going to take some getting used to, and making precise cuts might be difficult.

A picture of the Gillette Mach3
Yes yes, I know, this just seems like blog filler ;D
Dav out