Well I've finished Half Life 2 and Republic Commando. Currently, I'm not playing anything seriously, I still have Brothers in Arms, Anarchy Online as well as America's Army though.
I might be looking at getting some Star Wars games later this week, maybe even Farcry, I'm not sure yet.
On the other hand, I really am looking forward to getting those short animated Clone War's videos, as soon as I can find a store that stocks them. I've only PEEKED at them, and they seem to be really cool (and along the same lines as Republic Commando)
Well later ppl
Dav out
Well I finished Half Life 2 (HL2). Its the second game I'm finishing on my new gaming PC, (House of the Dead 3 doesnt count!), aside from Star Wars: Republic Commando (SW:RC). Now SW:RC was just ok, I found the controls a little too twitchy and the mouse aiming tended to be a little off, more so when you're in a firefight. I'm not too sure why, it could just be that I have the mouse sensetivity a little too high for SW:RC.
Oddly enough, I feel HL2 out did HL in every way. I'm not just commenting on the graphics (see below for a few random screenshots, sorry I just found the F5 key late in the game). The design of the game, the puzzles (this time around, there was not ONE level where I felt like I had to cheat to finish a level/kill an end level boss)
That I think is the best feature of the game. Well its late, more later!
Dav out
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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*ding* 200'th Floor!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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Gunship growing upclose
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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How the gunships are 'grown'
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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Gloomy Citadel
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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End Credits
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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End Level time freeze !
I'm sure you've looked at the topic and wondered, what/who actually is the spawn of Satan?
Well, come closer my friends, and I shall tell you.
*gets comfy*
The source of all evil (at least in MY life at the moment) is actually my gaming PC and broadband Internet. For now at least, the modem doesnt work at all via the Dlink router I have, so its just my computer thats hooked up to the net (and not, say, brother's). Its kept me up.
The internet.
PC Gaming.
Its kept me up so long! Its slowly draining my SOUL!.
Dav out

First starting bits of Anarchy Online

Look at my back!
Some of you (ok ok maybe none of you) will notice another new link on the left hand bar here (under "Davin's Webpage") that says "Davin's Photos".
Well I've signed up with
Flickr, and it doesnt seem like a bad place to host pictures. Plenty of options and stuff, which I shall look into later.
For now, enjoy what pictures I have on.
Dav out
First off, I'd like to say Happy Vaisakhi to all the Sikh's out there.
Maybe this
site will shed more light on it.
I know its a short post, but I just got back to the KL office, from Singapore, and I'm tired, and there's ALOT of work
Dav out