This bit of
news in the BBC website caught my attention as I was about to leave the other office to look into one of our clients.
Yes Malaysia is planning to round up immigrants, but the key words here are 'illegal' and deadline.
Its not like we've just picked a date and are starting to detain them on a whim, Malaysia has actually put into place a pardon for these illegal immigrants if they left before the deadline, and that deadline has been pushed back twice (if I'm not mistaken, which I could be knowing me)
I'm hoping things go over without a hitch.
Dav out
Crystal Reports, love so very much. But its what we have to deal with!

Nutty table design!
Dav out
What Gib does during his free time!
Work work
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
| Author:
I'm pretty sure that 'Work work' line from Warcraft has been reused so many times its getting old.
Well its true that I'm sort of stuck in Johor/Singapore for the last 2 weeks, but I'm almost done here and I should be back to Kuala Lumpur soon.
Someone commented that the quality of my blogging here as well as in the Dregs of IT has gone down, and I'd like to say that its due to work. I dont know why, but suddenly work is all I ever do. Even TV has taken a dive, and PC games are just narrowed down to Xcom 1 and Xcom 2 (finished Xcom1, working on hacking some of the soilder data in Xcom 2 cause I keep getting f-ed over by the underwater aliens)
So yeha thats whats going on.
Dav out
PS: I am still working on a new post for Dregs of IT, stick with it ;)
I've taken the time off to MUCK ABOUT with the original template's colour scheme. Yes yes!
Dav out
PS: Yes its true work and everything else is taking up too much of my life and I cant blog as much as I used to ;)
very quiet as I'm not all that well, I took a day off *gasp!* sick at home and I'm slated to do another project implementation next week. Yay dav!
Dav out