Look what I came across! Have a great year end people!
Happy New Year!
Dav out
Well Aless' card finnaly got here, and I must say, he must have flogged a few horses to death to get it to me before the year end!
Slovenian see through envelope
Aless' happy message
Dav out
Well I think everyone got their cards, with exception to Wiedz and
Aless, but I'm sure the cards will be there soon.
Enjoy the holidays!
Dav out
Torrents !
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
| Author:
Well I was looking around the web and I came across this page and it was just so funny I had to put it on my blog.
Pirate Bay reply to Legal Letters
Oh and pay attention to
this letter too!
Dav out
Monday, December 20, 2004
| Author:

Running X-Com 2 on DosBox

Here's a clean shot of the Blacksmith Shop in Kult Heretic Kingdoms
PC Fair
Sunday, December 12, 2004
| Author:
Well the last day of the PC Fair was today (Sunday) so I decided to STFU and get myself a router-modem. I didnt really need a wireless one, but if the price was close to the normal router modem I didnt mind picking that up. As I got there, a friend and myself roamed the fair floor, gawking at hot girlies (SONY and Intel were really hot) we came across loads of networking stuff. I was only intrested in Linksys or D-Link (goooo cisco!)
All I came across was a router modem by D-Link, and get this, with ONE port. Now WTF am I supposed to do with a router modem with ONE PORT? D-Link does make others, but they are not yet in Malaysia. So I had 2 options, get a router (or a wireless router) AND an ADSL modem, or, wait for a new model to come available.
I'm waiting. I dont need more equiptment in my room, and I'm running out of power points.
Dav out
It was the end of a long work day, and I get home to see a card on my house dining table, with this odd name (it was just a part of my name). Eager, I rip it open to see that CD/Chris had sent me a Christmas Card! Woah! Very cool! Thanks man :)

The Cannuck gets Dav's name all wrong!
Christmas card from CD the Cannuck

CD's handwriting
Dav out
As I sit here, trying to recover from the load of evil work I've had this past month, Gibzon tells me he's received his Christmas card, a card I posted 3 weeks in advance since I wanted it to get to him before Christmas. I'm really happy he got it.
Just in case YOU get a card from me, just take a picture with the card, and email it over to me ;)
Dav out