I don't know if you guys know it but SP 2 for XP Pro is out. You can get it with the link below, but I'd suggest you read the changes XPSP2 will make to your system, because alot of things are going to be switched off by default, and some systems will not work unless you go in and re-enable them.
Microsoft XP Service Pack 2
Dav out
A bunch of guys (and myself) managed to get invited to the Microsoft Innovation Day and Bill Gates actually popped up and gave a short speech on Seamless Computing: Making It Real With Hardware and Software Advances.
It was good, and we also got a preview of the new OS codenamed 'Longhorn'.
I have some additional info but I'm sort of busy and I will try to get it up ASAP. For now here are some links to sites with more info on Longhorn.
Microsoft Longhorn Site
Longhorn Blogs
That should do for now.
Dav out
I have just finished cleaning my room. Its like a nuclear bomb went off and I had to shift through the rubble. Anyway I came across a bit of foam and 2 pc CPU fans, and I sort of got them working cooling my laptop. Its hot here, and my laptop needs all the help it can get, short of me getting A/C.
I might get pictures up later.
Take care world.
Dav out
Friday, June 25, 2004
| Author:
I need sleep, going without it for almost 2 weeks is not doing me any good. Then again I have managed to setup PHP on my XP machine and I am busy studying it (or trying to), so I guess it HAS some merits, not being able to sleep.
Dav out

Ever had this happen to you? Well I hope not! 
Someone (no signature on the post) has pointed out that Hello is actually made by Picasa.
Yes, I forgot to mention that. What I ment in my earlier post was, it works along WITH blogger, letting you send up pictures with ease. Its BLOODY easy to use, so yeah I'm suggesting you use it.
Thank you Anonymous.
Dav out

The site is up, thank you Geocities... not! 
Davin's Webpage
I've finnaly managed to get most of my pictures on my geocities site, but I'm still stuck with a 15MB space limit. I'm already maxed up, and on top of that without thumbnails the site keeps sucking on too much bandwidth, and this causes Geocities to drop it for a while. I think the kinks are worked out now.
Dav out
As some of you might have noticed, my blog now carries some pictures, thanks to this nifty program called 'Hello' (its by Blogger so you people that use it should be able to download it). Just in case there are people out there that are as lazy as I am, here's the URL so you can just pop over and grab it for yourselfs.
Hello Application Web Page
Enjoy, its really fun, and unlike Geocities, I don't have to worry about data transfer rates and whatnot.
Dav out

Ever wish you were far far away with nothing to bother you and just hang out for hours on end? Well now you too can do so, just send me $10 for a lifetime's worth of 'non-bother' :). Yes, yes its a scam, um... but you can still send me money and stuff, that's cool too hehehe 
Dav out
Fun Ride
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
| Author:

I want this for my next birthday. Someone get it for me, please?
Dav out
Why is it when you're late for work, your managers come in earlier then you do, and when you're early for work, he strolls in around lunch?
Dav out
Thank you god, man I FINNALY got some sleep last night, and I can tell you it was the best sleep I've had in a few months. It could be the mixture of asprin and fever meds I took, but hell it worked.
I cant say that I'm ready for work (sice I overslept but managed to get to work on time) but sleeping well is half the battle.
Dav out
19'th June 2004
Dav out
Just as I get on GMail (Google's new email service, the one that reads your email to put small ads in it, but offers 1GB of email space) thanks to Blogger.com, I go home and find out Yahoo!Mail is now offering 100MB of space. Yeah just as i delete most of my important stuff from yahoo email.
Now all Yahoo! needs to do is work on their Geocities webpage service. They give out a small bit of 15MB for free webpages. Like, WTF? 15 MB? That's not enough dude! Its never enough when you're dealing with webpages. Oh well....
Dav out
I will now try to list out what I have been up to so far, so you guys would understand why I havent had much time to blog.
1. Been down to Singapore like a Jillion times, mostly work (ok ok ALL work)
2. After that I was in Jakarta, Indonesia for more work (just a week, and pity I couldnt really enjoy the sweet sweet 5 star hotel they put me up in)
3. Got back to my office and then had to catch up with all the paperwork that had piled up.
4. Slept a few days.
5. Busy amending the blog and adding new posts.
there we go, thats all.
Dav out
Yes, news of my death comes as a shock to me as well.
I've just had too much of work and stuff to do and I have sort of let the blog slide a little. Well as you can see I am now back on the blog train and I think I'm going to at least spend once a day blogging, since I've actually received emails asking me why I havent blogged lately.
So you guys take care, and watch out for more.
Dav out