Wednesday, January 01, 2014
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Ok this thing works.
Happy 2014.
I think I started to slow down blogging mainly because of work, but also the way Blogspot balooned in size and functions (since Google got into the act) - I'm all for the advance features and font formatting but the old Blogspot had a sense of charm and ease that I cant seem to shake.
Dav out
This is where we fall
This is where we fall apart
We Fall
We tried to find home
So far and so wide
A distant moment crashes down
As our memories collide
trailer to the new movie Oblivion has me gripped. I WANT to watch this movie. Period.
Just in case you didn't realise, Tom Cruise acts in this movie. Like, FYI or something |
The 'plane' Tom Cruise flies around looks a little familiar but I can't put a finger to it. In the trailer, the vistas and scenery is breathtaking. Oh, and there are robots and shooting and stuff gets blown up.
Dav out
I've been toying with the idea of buying a new phone but I've not been able to shake the worry that I'll drop the phone or sit / snap it in half throughout my daily routine. I carry a basic BlackBerry now, and it does what it has to (3G, WiFi / Hotspot creation, BBM / im etc). And I've dropped it.
Like a bunch of times.
Try that with a new-ish smartphone.
Battery life has been pretty poor throughout 3G usage though, and I cant get around that even with newer smartphones. Though for me, a Phablet would be out of the question, mainly because I don't have a pocket that big (though I do have large hands). What I've been seeing with newer screen / glass technology has been good (I just read something about sapphire based glass components), and I'm kind of looking forward to the new Samsung range (S4 anyone?), so fingers crossed!
Dav out
Holy Bat-wind chill! What makes anyone live in weather like this? This isnt cold anymore, this is just sadistic torture!
Sometimes while in traffic, you think of the weirdest things. Take today for example. Stuck in traffic, MP3's blasting away, and I thought it would be great to have a cannon strapped to my car, firing away at stupid people who were jumping queue's and weaving in and out of traffic.
Then I started wondering about the phrase "Fire at will", and how it differed from "Fire on / at my command". There is a difference! Mostly the first is where you fire away till you're out of ammo / rocks / the kitchen sink, and the other would be fire every time your boss tells you to.
I'd like to coin "Fire at will on my command when you think you've got a firing solution with a 99.9% hit probability". Its got a catchy ring to it.
Dav out
I've got this feeling
That time's just holding me down
I'll hit the ceiling or else
I'll tear up this town
I've taken a look back at blogging and the Bloggosphere (there! I said it!), and for me, I started tapering off blogging right about the time when work swamped me to death (I'd say mid of 2012) and when Blogspot / Blogger / Google changed the blog posting page. Yeah you could do a little more, but something about posting now was a little different, a little.... clinical.
Though don't get me wrong, I love writing.
I've seen a move for more commercial blogs in the past year (and by that I mean 2011 - 2012) and people throttling back on personal / private blogs. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
I've got mobile devices with blog apps, so lets see where and how 2013 turns out.
Dav out
I know
Caught up in the middle
I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
Oh no
Gave up on the riddle
I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
My last post was roughly June 19, 2012. Since then, I've been mainly hiding, because of the cops.
I was hoping to sell my story to MGM or some other movie studio, but then McAfee had to show up and go completely bat-sh*t insane. No one's going to want to buy my story now when compared to his?
I'm Tony Stark after a weekend of drinking |
I've given up trying to out-bat-shit-insane him. Its just not possible. Or it is, but its not worth my liver.
Trying something else now.
Dav out